Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Parafoil rotor blades

A parafoil as light as a kite with a inflated spar and draw strings to inflate (or deflate) the air chambers. I'd like six per hub please one set CCW for the right hub and the other CW for the left hub. Some different flavors of Tyvek (that's a Dupont plug cause they were nice enough to send me the sample swatch of ALL the currently produced non woven fabric. Have you ever tried to rip up one of these envelopes? Tough Stuff), including some of the breathable knit.

The later I thought of surrounding the exhaust ports at the trailing edge and vibration to energy converters and coils interlaced in layers. The more vibration removed at this trailing edge or a valid harmonic received to get the airflow relaminerized and give the next blade an advance informational vibrational analysis to what air vibration (AUDIO -by product of all rotational flight or thowp-thowp-thowp-thowp-thowp.) to expect to and can maximize leading edge V2EC to create a truly silent rotor system and have it make electricity for external load of motors or battery charger. Or a tickler to the linear induction rotor hubs, and transferred to the frame's V2EC for stacked resonance drive and highest conversion of harmonics. Rotor differential speed is the other source of power in this system.

A parafoil for a slow efficient rotor blade? Only in Ceriva's dreams. Better than woven rattan.

An ultrasonic wielder, an air knife on a XY CNC (to get the patterns cut) and a big bench would make this vision a tested experimental rotor system that could change the image of rotational flight to the world.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An idea grounded on the drawing board!

Does anybody dream of flying while sitting at a traffic light or waiting in bumper to bumper traffic. Is tha idea of personal flight so dead that there we will be stuck on the ground to our car? I work at a job where there is so minimal a usage of brain power, I'm convinced our employers are dumming us down on purpose so none of us will ever get ahead. A large scale improvement in the way we get around might actually create some other ideas that might solve another major problem in our society. This is not new. People over the ages have been chastised and beaten down for less than an idea or a thought outside the norm. Has anyone else thought of a frame and wing blended into one functional unit? The autogyro has only one configuration today with one rotor & hub, a pusher prop, a keel & mast frame. While this works and thousands fly daily it's boring and not as efficent as my design. Where is our flying car? Don't say the M440 Moller Skycar, it's not flying after years of a prototype and no integrated flight control system.
Our current economic depression should kill off the idea that we will ever actually fly.